
Guide: Get your Peregrine Demo Started

2 min

Peregrine™ is a powerful native application to optimize the functions of CrowdStrike Falcon on your local machine. Peregrine is available for download with a free 30-day trial and this guide will help you get up and running quickly with the demo.


  • CrowdStrike Falcon API Access:
    Peregrine works with your individual user API access to grant permissions for changes across your system. In order to use Peregrine, you will need access to your organization’s CrowdStrike Falcon API, which includes your personalized API Key and Secret Key, provided to you by your CrowdStrike Admin. For a guide for your CrowdStrike admin, please check out our Documentation for Creating a CrowdStrike API Key.
  • Operating Systems:
    Currently Peregrine works on Windows and MacOS*.

    *Note that for MacOS, we are still working to get the app certified into the Apple Marketplace. Until then, when you install the file, it will say it is unsigned, and you will likely get warnings from your system. Rest assured, we have signed all of the executable files with SHA256 and you can compare current SHA256 checksums in our documentation for your Peregrine version.

Activating Peregrine™ for your Demo

To get you started, you are going to need to download Peregrine and request a Demo Seat Activation Key to access all Peregrine has to offer through the desktop app. The Demo key will give you full access to Peregrine, so you can test everything that your CrowdStrike credentials will allow.

Obtaining Peregrine and your 30-day demo Seat Key:

  1. Download the Program at
  2. Request an Invitation Key by submitting a form request from
    The key will be sent to you via email. You are required to use a business email for your request. No free email domains are accepted by the form.
  3. Receive an email containing your demo Peregrine Seat Key, good for 30-days of Peregrine usage.
  4. Launch Peregrine on your Desktop.
  5. Enter your Peregrine Seat Key in the Peregrine License Authentication field provided within the Peregrine desktop application and click Activate.
    Peregrine will remember your key going forward.

Set up the Client: Adding your CrowdStrike API User Identifications

Under the CrowdStrike API Configuration Section: 

  1. Cloud Type: Select the Cloud Used by your tenant
  2. Client ID: Enter the CrowdStrike API Key
  3. Client Secret: Enter the CrowdStrike API Secret Key
  4. Add CID: If you have been provided a specific CID by your organization, select this button to enter your information.
    No CID: If No CID was provided by your organization, select this box to bypass this area.
  5. Days Last Seen: Filter your devices by default. We recommend "Last Seen" to show the latest online systems.
  6. Group Hosts: Filter your devices by Group Host, if you have multiple hosts setup in future uses of Peregrine on your system.
  7. Configuration Name: Add an identifying environment name for the CID - Client CID Name from your CrowdStrike Group Host. This will allow you to more easily identify Group Hosts in the future.
  8. Enter a time to keep Log Files in days.
    The retention period is for how long log files are kept on your PC for Peregrine activities. These do not affect anything in CrowdStrike audit logs. We recommend 30 days to start.  
  9. Leave Debug Mode unchecked.
  10. Pull Zero Trust Results: If you would like Zero Trust Results from CrowdStrike pulled in, check this box.
    Note: This may significantly increase load times for large environments.
  11. Click Save.  
    Your Credentials will be encrypted and saved for future use in the program.

Repeat this process if you have multiple CIDs to enter.  


You are up and running! Be sure to check-in over on our Discord Channel to connect with the peregrine Community with any questions, for tips and to share scripts and ideas for improving the platform! We look forward to hearing all about your experience with Peregrine! Welcome aboard!  

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